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Anti-wrinkle injections,Botox.Fillers

          Botulinum toxin injections.

What are Antiwrinkle injection?

Anti-wrinkle injections is a naturally occurring protein that causes the muscles of the face to relax, smoothing out wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle injections are the UK’s most popular cosmetic treatment for the removal of wrinkles and it is also fairly quick to complete.  Procedure time usually takes around 30 minutes, which means it can even be completed before or during the working day. There are very little side effects with this treatment, which means that patients can return back to work almost immediately. 

What will the treatment involve?

The treatment will involve a practitioner making a series of small injections into the muscles of your face. The injection process itself will only take a few minutes.

Who is suitable for anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are suitable for patients that wish to reduce the appearance of forehead lines, frown lines or wrinkles around their eyes. We are often asked where anti-wrinkle injections should be applied to reduce the signs of ageing, this is different for every patient, however, the most popular places are:

  • The forehead/brow

  • Between the eyes

  • Sides of the eyes

Who Should Not Use Anti-wrinkle injections?

 There is a selection of people who are advised not to have this type of treatment completed:

  • The injection site is infected

  • You are allergic to any of the ingredients

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • You have a neuromuscular disorder (e.g. myasthenia gravis)

What are the possible side effects?

Common side effects – pain at the site of injection and during the injections, swelling, inflammation and raised red bumps afterwards at the injection sites. Pain and swelling are usually improved after 48 hours. Bruising may occur at the injection sites which may take up to 2 weeks to resolve. You may experience a headache especially if the forehead has been treated. Headache is usually mild and should resolve within 48 hours, it can usually be managed with simple over the counter pain relief. Sometimes people can faint or feel faint with injections, you must tell your practitioner as soon as possible if you feel unwell during the treatment.

How Long Do Anti-wrinkle injections Last?

Results can last between 3 and 6 months, however they may last for longer or shorter time periods. You must be aware

that repeated treatments are needed to maintain results. Repeat anti-wrinkle treatments should not be given within 3 months (excluding top up appointments). Too frequent injections can increase the risk of Botox immunity and lack of effect as well as the possibility of other side effects.

Booking deposit will be  required to secure your slot.

If you changed your mind, cancelled ot missed your appointment-deposit will be lost.If you need to reschedule-please let me know at least 48 hr before your appointment.

Free Top up for anti wrinkle injections(if you need one )- available strictly within 14-21 days after initial appointment.To avoid additional charges-please book your top up within this time period.There is no free top up option over 21 day deadline!

Packages can NOT be customised.

All treatments from the package need to be done at the same appointment.

Skin boosters will be performed in BAP, 5 points technique.

For optimal and long lasting effect-cource of 2-4 skin boosters is recommended.

Package can not be shared between 2 clients.

When you booking aesthetic treatments -please be realistic in your expectations and always take in consideration your real age,current skin condition & lifestyle.Results of the treatments  are amazing but your personal factors will affect on the final outcome of the treatments.

Aesthetic treatments are injectable-please take in consideration,bruising and swelling is possible.

"Bring your bestie" option is available for 2 person booking.
2 person need to book 2 separate  packages and come for the same appointment.
If your bestie missing her appointment-you will not be able to get £10 off discount from the package.

If you have any questions-please DM 

Xmas offer for fillers
Xmas offer for Botox
Xmas offer for skin booster
Xmas offer for aesthetics
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